Course Approval AND Parent Consent and Waiver for Dual Enrollment

    Course Approval AND Parent Consent and Waiver for Dual Enrollment
    Please fill out this form with the student's contact information and preferences. To be completed by Parent or Legal Guardian.
    Student Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    To be completed by the Parent or Legal Guardian
    I understand the student may be exposed to mature or sensitive topics in the classroom and open laboratories, including libraries, learning centers and computer labs.
    I understand the student may be exposed to mature or sensitive topics in the classroom and open laboratories, including libraries, learning centers and computer labs.
    I understand that students who receive a letter grade of a D or F in a dual credit course are not permitted to continue in the dual credit program.
    I understand that students who receive a letter grade of a D or F in a dual credit course are not permitted to continue in the dual credit program.
    I understand that once the student is registered in a college course, he/she controls access to his or her educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and - unless an exception applies - I may not have access to my student's records without his/her written permission or proof that I claimed the student as a dependent on my most recent income tax return.
    I understand that once the student is registered in a college course, he/she controls access to his or her educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and - unless an exception applies - I may not have access to my student's records without his/her written permission or proof that I claimed the student as a dependent on my most recent income tax return.
    I understand it is the students responsibility to ensure the college course selected does not conflict with required high school class schedule.
    I understand it is the students responsibility to ensure the college course selected does not conflict with required high school class schedule.
    Date of signature
    Date of signature